How to Draw a Papillon Dog Step by Step TUTORIAL

Joanne Bourne/Flickr

Dogs and cats are from unlike species of animals, appealing to different types of people. Both take provided services and companionship to humans for many centuries. Fifty-fifty though each species has its ain distinct looks and characteristics, they practise have some common traits besides. Exploring them will give you a more in-depth look as to what each type of animate being has to offer.

Body Design

While there are definite differences between the look of dogs and cats, each bear similar body designs. From the need to carry themselves using four legs to the tail that each is born with, their body design helps them behave out their natural instincts for surviving in the world.

Some dog and true cat breeds accept been modified through breeding practices humans have implemented throughout the years. Notwithstanding, each of these species of animals was originally intended to have certain physical characteristics to protect them from things such equally their environment and predators. For example, most breeds of both dogs and cats have fur to cover them and keep their skin safe from hot and common cold weather in which they alive. Cats and dogs have claws designed into their paws to give them tools for hunting and fighting off predators. However, some breeds are now plant without these natural features due to artificial genetic engineering.

Survival Instincts

It is the basic instinct for all living things to seek out food when they are hungry. This is no different between dogs and cats. When necessary, these different species of animals will hunt for their food if needed. Nigh domesticated animals will discover ways of communicating their time of hunger with their owners. However, if left in the wild or on their ain, these animals will find the prey necessary to feed on.

Both dogs and cats are carnivorous animals. This means that they need meat for iron, poly peptide, and nutritional supplements to survive. They will swallow smaller animals or fish to fulfill their dietary needs.


Dogs and cats will protect their territory. For domesticated animals, this is oftentimes their home and the people they see within their pack. While cats tend to be more isolated with their territory, dogs tend to gravitate to other dogs to form a total pack. Each of these animals understands who their predators are, allowing them to defend their territories as needed.

Need for Affection

While each animal has its ain way of showing their demand for amore, both dogs and cats have a natural need for receiving this type of attending. Cats tend to burrow into their owners or other animals while dogs tend to be more vocal near their need for amore.

Both species of animals need praise. For dogs, this may be plant in simple acts, such every bit doing something on command. One common way in which cats seek praise is through their hunting instincts. For example, it is not uncommon for a cat to hunt a mouse or other type of rodent. Even if they are not hungry, the cat will drop the dead rodent at the feet of their human companion, seeking out praise for their services.

Torso Language

Dogs and cats have a certain body language that they brandish. When content, the creature can ofttimes be institute curled up in a resting position. However, if the animate being feels threatened, you will see characteristics such equally a tenseness between their shoulders, tucked tails, and tufts of fur sticking up along their back.


How to Draw a Papillon Dog Step by Step TUTORIAL

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